Julie A. Fast Workshops
Julie is not holding workshops at this time.
Family members, caregivers, partners and healthcare professionals can sign up for her newsletter for information about upcoming workshops.

Get the Diagnosis Right Workshop
💻 Location: Online 🦋 Cost: $179
Did you know the majority of those who have trouble finding stability are either misdiagnosed, under-diagnosed or a diagnosis is refused due the age of the person? This can be very worrisome and frustrating for caregivers who want to help. THERE IS HOPE!
Message Julie for more details about this workshop.

Money, Housing and Medical Care for Loved Ones with Bipolar and Psychotic Disorders
- 2:00 - 4:00 PM CST (Please notE the time zone carefully)
- Zoom Workshop
- $149
- This workshop is full. Please sign up below to be notified when this workshop opens up again.
(Please note that this workshop is for US residents only as it focuses on the US insurance, disability and retirement system.)

About the Workshop
The Life Logistics Workshop helps caregivers get a realistic picture of the current financial situation around a loved one with a serious brain illness such as bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder and/or schizophrenia. Julie has helped many thousands of caregivers just like yourself prepare for a loved one in these areas- no matter where you are financially. Yes, you can go through this process even if you’re currently estranged from your loved one. The workshop focuses on your needs around your own goods and services.
The goal is peace. The Life Logistics workshop is about you. It’s not about the person with an illness. What do you want to do with your time, money, goods and services? Once you’re clear on what you want and need, it’s a lot easier to create a plan and the needed documents that protect your finances and your loved one’s future.
You can create a financial, healthcare and housing plan for your loved one that supports the person and protects you financially.

US based family members and caregivers who want to financially help a person with bipolar and/or a psychotic disorder.

Topics Covered in the Life Logistics Workshop

What is the overall need of my loved one regarding money, housing and medical help?

What role do I want to play?

What is available from the government to help my loved one?

What do I need in order to help my loved one in this way?

How do I get services and support for my loved one if they are too ill to accept help?

What are the different services offered and what is the best descriptive language to use when applying for these services?

Who do I contact to help with this process?

How do I help my loved one understand and accept disability services?

What are all of the insurance options available in 2024?

How can I organize all that I need to do to help a loved one while the loved one is in a crisis?

What do I need to know about wills and trusts?

What can help with my own clarity around this topic?

What is the best use of my money after I’m gone?

How do I talk to my loved one about my decisions?

How do I manage the guilt, fear, worry and overall frustration that this process often creates?

How can I find a peaceful plan that allows for my needs as well as the needs of those around me?

Life Logistics is for USA residents at this time as we will discuss the US process of disability, housing and insurance.
✍️The workshop has a few hours of homework. All attendees will leave with an overall plan to help a loved one.
A note from Julie: Our goal is a stable life where there is some inner peace even when a situation feels chaotic and out of control. When you’re clear on what you want and need around your own money and possessions, life gets easier. Stability is internal. It’s not based on the behavior of the loved one who is ill. Your needs matter here. Let’s work together and create a plan that works for you.

Please sign up for Julie's newsletter for future workshops.

Julie offers a wide variety of workshops for family and caregivers, partners and healthcare professionals. Dates for the following workshops will be announced on Julie’s Stable Table and Stable Bed groups on Facebook.

Get the Diagnosis Right
Julie helps you find a correct diagnosis for a loved one so that they can receive appropriate care. Julie helps you work directly with health care professionals in order to receive the best care possible for a loved one.

Bipolar Disorder Logistics
How to help a loved one navigate living expenses, health care costs and if needed, the disability system in the United States.

The Script System
How to communicate with a loved one who is in a mood swing or a psychotic episode.

How to Get a Loved One Into Treatment
Julie did this work through her coaching practice for over ten years. She now shares her proven system through her workshops.
the Cannabis and Bipolar Disorder Workshop

It is possible to have a balanced conversation about cannabis marijuana and bipolar disorder. The key is understanding how today’s cannabis affects the bipolar brain.
This workshop includes the following:

Cannabis basics

The role cannabis plays in psychosis and mania

Why people use cannabis

How to replace cannabis with effective management strategies

How to talk calmly with a loved one or client about brain health and cannabis use
We will also discuss cannabis hemp products.
There is significant homework for this workshop, so please give yourself time to finish the homework before attending. Most people need about three hours to complete the homework.
It is also recommended that you read The Bipolar Significant Seven chapter from the second edition of Take Charge of Bipolar Disorder before attending the workshop.
Julie trains healthcare professionals on how cannabis marijuana affects bipolar disorder and psychotic disorders. She can help you as well. This is not an impossible situation.